target theory

英 [ˈtɑːɡɪt ˈθɪəri] 美 [ˈtɑːrɡɪt ˈθiːəri]

网络  靶学说; 靶理论; 靶子学说; 靶论



  1. This article first marketing theory, such as market segmentation and target theory, competition in the market theory, portfolio theory, such as marketing review.
  2. Promoting the modern remote education development with target marketing theory
  3. Diesel Engine State Assessment Based on Grey Target Theory and Emission Analysis
  4. Application of Grey Target Theory in Optimizing Diesel Engine Running-in
  5. Used by the target set-up theory, the paper draw up safety management target and duties.
  6. Method of Threat Assessment based on Grey Target Theory
  7. Target: Theory of queuing in the application of express charging system;
  8. The necessity and possibility for the enterprises to provide financial information forecast are based on the target theory of financial report, theory of efficient market, the cost-benefit comparision theory, new capital requirement theory, the balanced theory of information supply and demand and safe harbour rules.
  9. Then using the target marketing theory, the paper carries on careful analysis to assess to the segmentation of the lift market, and concludes the target market of the products of Poseidon Elevator Company.
  10. The main achievement in this paper includes location target theory, which is to settle the character analysis of all locations.
  11. A simulation model of search radar is established based on radar measurement theory and moving target tracking theory.
  12. The SAR motion target detection theory based on the Display Phase Center Antenna ( DPCA) technology was analyzed in this paper firstly.
  13. Grey Mapping Target Shooting Theory and Examine Target Using Photoelasticity Method of Intelligence Crankshaft Design Expert System
  14. In the case of unknown running-in oils, the direct reading ferrographs of oil samples were selected for analysis. By introducing the grey target theory, the standard mode was constructed.
  15. Research on Wear Pattern Recognition Based on Grey Target Theory and Oil Monitoring
  16. Application of Grey Target Theory in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Weapon Systems
  17. Terminal Target Theory of Chinese Education
  18. Grey target theory is grey relational theory of dealing with the lists of mode and its core concept is approaching degree. According to it, we can classify the modes.
  19. This paper applies target decomposition theory to high resolution polarization target classification.
  20. The grey target theory is used to set up the model for mathematical evaluation;
  21. Target tracking theory is an advanced theory, it has broad application outlook in military field and civil field.
  22. Then it discusses several important theories of effective teaching and class observation: the Effective Teaching theory, the Constructivist Teaching Theory, the Target Classification Theory, and the Chemistry Class Sections Theory.
  23. The target cost management is just a cost management method which build on target management theory.
  24. Target tracking theory has been widely used in both military and civilian fields. And tracking algorithm is the core in the tracking system.
  25. The fourth chapter, a modeling framework is presented so that the feasibility of the target theory can be proved by the means of quantitative analysis.
  26. The financial management target theory, dividend distribution policy theory and information dissymmetry theory are introduced primarily.
  27. The theoretical base of performance management is system management theory, target management theory, and employee actuation theory.
  28. The following are the main work of this paper: 1. This paper introduces the three aspects of target tracking theory which are target modeling, object recognition and detection, target filter and forecast. 2.
  29. The adult learning theory, context learning theory and Mazar-e Reno target classification theory as the cognitive learning theory; the study of Dewey "learning by doing" pragmatism philosophy as a research action theory; the migration theory as a research ability effect validation theory.
  30. Thus analyzing from monomeric compounds in different idioplasm of C. album, the traditional efficacy for clearing heat and relieving sore throat may be formed by gallic acid and scopoletin and scoparone which confirmed the similarity between efficacy of chinese medicine theory with target theory in modern pharmacology.